Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas letter 2010

In the spring of 2010, Debi and Stuart drove to Kansas City (in a blizzard) to see Lance in “Around the World in 80 Days”. The snow was so bad we finally pulled over and spent the night in Iowa. The show was worth the trip.

Jordan is doing free-lance programming, umpiring baseball, filling out job applications, and applying again to teach in Japan in the fall.

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Stuart had umpired over 100 games when his season was cut short in July by a diagnosis of Cancer. He was heard to say; “Baseball probably saved my life because it was only after a strenuous game that there was blood in my urine.” This led to a diagnosis of bladder cancer followed by surgery to remove most of the tumor. In November, after three months of chemo, they removed his bladder (which contained  the remaining cancer) and constructed a new (Neo-Bladder) from 2 feet of his small intestine.  Now it’s a matter of learning how to use this new bladder. So far everything is going very well.

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Lance and his lovely children; Noah (4) and Delaney (2) have brought us so much joy over the year and we treasure every minute we get to spend with them. They all came up from Chicago to visit us in the hospital and greatly helped Stuart begin to heal. Lance and Delaney were in a Wal-Mart commercial last spring and Lance is in an AT&T commercial this winter - which helps pay the rent.

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Even thought the cancer has consumed most of our thoughts and energy lately, we feel like it’s ending up to be another great year in our lives together. We are blessed with so many good friends and loving relatives who have prayed for us and supported us through this whole thing. With this support and the wonders of modern medicine the cancer has been removed and we will survive and prosper in the new year.

We wish you peaceful holiday season and much happiness in the coming new year.

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