Monday, April 15, 2013

Old dogs...

This old dog has learned a new trick - from a cat.

Yeah, this is about neo-bladders and peeing - but it's short. 

Our cat, Ellie, has a habit of coming into the bathroom whenever she hears me sitting down to pee. She meows and rubs up against my leg but whenever I reach out to try to pet her she starts walking away.  A couple months ago I grabbed her back and she lay down and let me rub her stomach. In order to do this I had to bend over completely and - low and behold - this forced a lot more out of what I'd thought was an empty bladder (I'd already gotten all I could get using 'traditional' methods).

This makes sense, now that I think of it. When I'm folded over like that, it compresses that whole area.

We learn a lot from our cats but it's usually only about how to keep THEM happy. Thanks for this one Ellie.

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