Monday, April 15, 2013

Thyroid results

Just a brief note about Thyroid levels.

As I said in my last post, I have bad been feeling weak, sensitive to hot and cold, and I had been loosing weight (about 10 pounds) without changing my diet.  My doctor checked my thyroid levels and found them to be out of kilter so he sent me in for further tests. Among these were an iodine uptake scan where I drank some radioactive iodine and they watched where it went in my thyroid.

He also sent me to an Endocronoligist, in March, who told me the following:

Better news: 

I did have Hyperthyroidism where the hormones that the petutitary gland uses to control the thyroid are the following:
  • TSH low
  • T4 high.
But my Iodine uptake was also low which was a normal response for the thyroid under these conditions.

This indicates that things are working but for some reason thyroid is producing too much - pituitary is reacting normally ( it lowers TSH to tell the Thyroid to stop producing so much) For some reason the Thyroid wasn't listening. This may be due to a virus-like thing in the thyroid that will likely pass on it's own.

So we'll watch this by checking levels in a few weeks intervals. Things should level off normally with time. Not quickly.

If not this can be treated with supplemental hormone therapy. This is a very easy thing with no side effects.

Better feeling:

As of April 15th, I have not had another test but I am feeling completely back to normal. My strength and endurance are back; I have normal response to temperature (no night sweats); and I'm gaining my weight back nicely. I'm not all that thrilled about the last one but I'll take it along with the others.

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